How To Ensure Safety While Employing Tramadol For The Elderly?

Why do you need to administer Tramadol for elderly cautiously? With advancing age, the functioning and composition of the body change. And so does Pharmacotherapy requirements and implementation in the elderly. Old age brings with itself a loss of functional capabilities of most organs, loss of water content, an increase of fat content in the body and a decline in response to receptor stimulation. The essential standard change in the human body in old age is a contraction in the excretory capacity of the kidney. Some deterioration in the drug metabolism rate is also recorded with advancing age. A decrease in the cardiovascular system's sensitivity to beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists and an increase in the incidence of orthostatic episodes in response to blood pressure-lowering drugs is observed. Tramadol, an opioid analgesics , affects the functioning of the brain receptors and changes the receptor's perception of pain. The central nervous system becomes particularly...